Delicious Food on the Waves - Whitsunday Escape
Skipper yourself bareboat charter company

Delicious Food on the Waves

Embarking on a Whitsunday Escape charter allows you to relax and enjoy the beauty of the Islands at your own pace. And when it comes to food, who wants to spend all their time in the galley?

We’ve got you covered with simple and tasty recipes that require minimal cooking equipment, so you can spend the days enjoying those tropical waters.

Check out our easy breezy menu for some inspiration:

Fuss-free Salads: Prepare a salad bar with a variety of greens, such as lettuce, spinach, & rocket, & complement them with an assortment of toppings. Pack cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, olives, feta cheese, and your choice of dressing for a customised salad on the go. Throw in grilledchicken, shrimp, or smoked salmon for added protein. Pre-made salads are also a great option, Prickly Pineapple source local produce for their tasty salad bowls.

Wraps and Sandwiches: Convenient, portable, and a versatile meal when bareboating. A perfectly satisfying mid-day meal after a morning of boating activities with next to no washing up! Prepare the salad bar as above, add some protein of choice and bring along a variety of bread or tortilla options. Wrap themtightly and enjoy!

One-Pot Dishes: Rice & pasta dishes are a lifesaver when it comes to cooking on a boat. Choose pasta shapes that cook quickly, such as penne or fusilli, and pair them with a simple sauce. Cook the pasta directly in the sauce, saving you from the hassle of multiple pots and pans. Packet Risotto is easy to plump up with fresh veggies and topped with grated parmesan.

Seafood, Skewers and Kebabs: The BBQ will be your best friend on charter, and skewers or kebabs are a fun and easy option. Prepare with a combination of marinated meat or seafood, and vegetables. Alternate chicken, bell peppers, onions, and pineapple for a tropical touch. For an extra treat you can have Fishi create a seafood platter which they’ll also deliver!

Pre-Made Classics: Preparation is key when it comes to boat-friendly meals. Consider buying pre-made family sized meals when shopping. Lasagna, enchiladas, or bakes can often be purchased from the freezer section in most supermarkets. They often come in their own recyclable cookware and can be paired with breads or a salad.

Create a menu plan and circulate to your crew a week before to ensure everyone is well fed. Stock up on dry stores and long-life items like nuts & seeds, plus fruit to keep the crew satisfied between meals. Lastly, when loading your boat it helps to pack your ingredients in an organized manner, with meals you’ll eat on the last few nights stored in the freezer.

Bon voyage and bon appétit!